Want to sell your books but don't know how or don't have the time? Don't worry, Readers can help you with that. We offer you our platform so that you can sell the books that you want to pass on to someone else.
How does it work? It's simple:
1. Pick out the books you want to sell (check out our FAQ page to see which books are eligible).
2. Contact us via email ( or Instagram DM.
3. We'll contact you as soon as possible to arrange all the details regarding the pick-up or shipping of the books.
4. We are in charge of taking the pictures of the books, editing them, uploading them to our website, promoting the books on our social media, and shipping the books when they are sold.
5. Once the book is sold we'll pay you 40% of the value of the book (or books).
That's it! If you have books lying around the house and want to sell them, don't hesitate and contact us. Nevertheless, there are things you have to take into account:
1. In order for us to pick-up the books you want to sell, you'll have to be located between the 72nd and 187th street and between 2nd and 72nd avenue in Bogotá. If your address is outside this region, you'll have to ship us the books (we'll assume the cost).
2. You'll have to have at least 3 books for us to pick them up, if you have less than that, you'll have to ship them to us.
3. The payment of the books will be done in the last week of the month that they were sold. You'll receive an email with the confirmation of the payment.
4. If a lot of time has passed and the books you gave us haven't been sold you can donate them (go to the Donations page for more info), or you can decide to have them back, in that case, you'll asume the cost of the shipping.
5. Readers will choose the price of the books, we take into account the state of the book, the title, the author, popularity, among other factors. Please have in mind that our mission is to offer the best catalog of english books at the lowest prices possible.